At Sonrise Preschool & Learning Center, our curriculum is based on the scripture, “Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’” – Matthew 19:14. It is designed to minister to these areas in the child’s life — intellectual, physical, emotional, social and spiritual — at each child’s developmental level. Research indicates that children learn through hands-on interactions with their environment. In other words, children learn through PLAY.


To facilitate this, your child’s day includes both structured and free-choice activities, opportunities for large and small motor development, quiet times and active times, and individual and large group activities. Your child will be encouraged to represent their learning with many different media.


Our focus is not solely academic but based on a readiness principle. The emphasis is on encouraging creativity, self-esteem, positive and progressive social skills, active and creative problem solving and self-help skills. We also implement an educational approach to learning independent & critical thinking, using STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Mathematics).

Learning Without Tears

It is our aim to provide many situations where sharing and consideration of others are expressed in a Christian atmosphere and in order to achieve this we use a variety of learning methods and experiences to craft a rich and meaningful learning experience for your child. Our curriculum is hand’s-on, play-based which includes a variety of positive learning activities such as Chapel, Music, STEAM, crafts, stories, large and small motor activities and a curriculum called Learning Without Tears Handwriting and Language & Literacy Curriculum. 


Learning Without Tears is a developmentally appropriate program that is expert-backed, research-based, and proven to be a success. Thought this program, students build pre-writing and emergent writing skills developmentally through engaging, hands-on, play-based activities.